Monday, January 14, 2008

Go Togethers

Here is our towns two stores on the main street that I think really go together. How so you might ask? Well, think of it. On the one side you have the Health Store, and on the other is the Days Remembered Store. Get it?....If you stay healthy you will have more "days" to remember.
I know, quit trying to be a comedian.
Anyway, these two store are a necessity for us. The Days Remembered store has fresh flowers, UPS pickup stop, and a lot of "trinkets" that many have been hand made by "locals".
The Health Store handles local organic grown produce along with a full line of vitamins and related items.
So far, I have stayed on the main drag through town and have a lot more to show you, so make sure to bookmark this site and pass it on please. Come back often to see the rest of the town.

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